My Sicilian Winter

On the wall "My Sicilian Winter"/ 2014/ Oil on Canvas/ 220x120 cm

Primarily I thought about dedicating my new painting " My Sicilian Winter" to the German painter Georg Baselitz who is telling the world that women can not paint.
He can turn upside down overheaded in front of the stove I will not stop making art and cook him a meal.
So I thought it would be better to dedicate this to someone with a smile in his eyes.
To make it short here it is for you with a new performance art photo series:

My Sicilian Winter/ 2014/ Oil on canvas/ 220x120 cm

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2 Antworten auf My Sicilian Winter

  1. Gabriele sagt:

    Witch craft ;-) Great!

  2. admin sagt:

    :-) ) Thank you !!